Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Awesomest Song Lyrics.....

First of all, yes, I said "awesomest" to make Cheri cringe....but I regress. I was just sitting in my boring ass cube wondering how I ended up here instead of being the best chick indie-rock star EVER, (oh yeah, because my voice scares animals & small children). So, I decided to put a question out there:

What is your favorite song lyric ever? Write the lyric and give the artist and song. I guess you can have more than one but be reasonable. I have about a million and if I have to narrow it down so do you.....so come on, post already!

1 comment:

  1. ok, first my disclaimer: I don't really like Train. I don't. But TJ made me listen to this one song and some of the lyrics just spoke to me. Here's the one line that touched me the most:

    "No one thought I was good enough for you except for you."

    And here's why: When TJ and I first got together no one thought I was good enough for her. I guess you have to know how different our personalities are to get it but, let's just say that I'm gruff and a tad hostile sometimes and TJ is sweet and mostly mild mannered.

    I shouldn't even restrict it to when we first got together because people still make comments about how lucky I am and what can TJ possibly see in me. Well, here's my answer to that: I don't let everyone see the real me. She does. She knows me inside and out like no one else ever has or ever will. I love her with a passion that she'd never experience with anyone else. How's that?

    Besides, she's very difficult to live with. Her public persona is very different from her private one. Just remember, along with all that good that everyone else sees, there's a WHOLE lot of bad that only I get. So there. And she snores. Loudly.

    Oh, the name of the song is "I'm About to Come Alive" from Train's album "My Private Nation"

    There are lots of lyrics that move me but that's one of the first that came to mind.
